Thursday, November 20, 2008

Caught on Tape: Giggles 'n Roll

Now that the Remster has learned to giggle, she actually does it fairly often. In this little video clip, she was looking at the kitchen overhead light and just giggling away. I simply HAD to catch it on video, so I ran to get the Flip and prayed that she would do it again when we got back. And she was kind enough to oblige.

The next clip is from October 21st, which is the first day Remi rolled over. She did it several times on that day, and hasn't been too keen to do it since. All in good time, I suppose.

Other than giggling away, she's just been up to her usual baby business. We're taking her to Denver for T-day so she'll have her first plane trip to blog about soon. We'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Awwww... Loved the giggle!! Have a great trip to Denver... hope to catch up with you soon, Dylan!