Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Mud Hut

For the most part, I'm doing okay with the interupted sleep thing. Even though I am a person who, before motherhood, slept a minimum of 9 hours a night. Even though I am, shall we say, of advanced maternal age and, in all fairness, I deserve more sleep at this stage of life, not less.

Chalk it up to The Poobah getting up earlier these last few days. Combine that with the fact that she still refuses to go to bed before, say, 11 or 12 PM. And that, in the 7 hour stretch between 11 and 6, she gets up at least twice for an hour each turn to eat. So on my approximately 5 hours per night sleep-deprived brain I visited, this morning, what can only be termed The Mud Hut.

Double strength coffee.

That's right. I made coffee this morning with not 6 but 12 heaping scoops of fully caffeinated Peet's coarse grind Organic blend beans. In my french press. Which makes strong coffee to begin with.

None of this on purpose, you understand.

But I might have noticed something terribly awry when I poured in water and the grounds bubbled up. I might have noticed something amiss when I stirred the pot and met resistance in the consistency of the brew. Or perhaps when I tasted it and suffered an instant rush to the head from what should have been my usual wake-up cup.

But no, I just added more sugar and took another sip. Wincing at the bitterness of it all.

(Photos from top to bottom: Dylan and Remi; Drake and Remi)

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