Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Little Pickle

Before Remi was born, Patty dubbed her "Picklita." (As in, pickle-ita -- I've never been sure how to spell it.) Little Pickle. Well, this week, Remi earned her nickname.

We were out to lunch. Now, eating in a restaurant is something I rarely do with Remi anymore because she's so, well, baby like. She has a short attention span, grabs everything in sight, gets frustrated, starts screaming, has to be walked around... you get the picture. But it was the Mom's Group lunch so I went, and to keep Remi occupied I gave her my pickle spear. Who knew she would turn out to love it? So pickles have now become a part of her ever expanding menu. So far avocado and pickles top the list, with ripe pears coming in a close third.

None of these foods particularly interests Petey, but he holds vigil nonetheless, hoping to cop a lick of rice cereal or, better yet, a teething biscuit. These we have dubbed "Petey treats" due to the frequency and joy with which he eats them. In exchange for these treats he is always happy to provide a little hand and face wash post meal. It's just one of those services he provides.

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