Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Remi's new job

Remi really likes to clean the toilet.

I discovered this when I brought home a toilet brush. I freed the new item from it's packaging, then left it in the living room, planning to bring it to it's final destination at a later time. But Remi, well, she had no such patience. She saw that thing sitting there, picked it up, and took off for the bathroom, lickety split. Next thing I knew, she was swish, swish, swishing in the toilet water with that brush, happy as a little clam.

Now, cleaning the toilet at home is a messy business, but relatively harmless. Trouble starts when we're out and about. Just the other day, I was out at a Mexican restaurant. When I got up to use the bathroom, Remi followed along. Nothing out of the ordinary there. What I didn't know was that, on an earlier trip to the bathroom with Auntie K, she had spied... you got it... a toilet brush.

Off we go to the bathroom, and no sooner am I in the stall with my pants down then she sees her chance. Scooch, scooch, scooch, quick as a bunny, she's under the stall door and taking off. "Remi, come back!" I'm calling, rather ineffectually, as I'm trying to make myself decent enough to run after her.

But she had not, as I feared, left the bathroom for parts unknown. No, when I finally managed to get myself decent what I saw was Remi, in the opposite stall, toilet brush in hand, happily cleaning the toilet. Now, if only they would hire her...


Boz said...

Yay! At last, more Poobah.

Ezra James Spitzer said...

hear hear! Love it!