Saturday, January 2, 2010

Making Resolutions

Okay, so, Remi's not big on the language thing yet. She's got "Mama" down, though it's got a pretty liberal application (Dylan, Drake, visiting grandmas, aunts, and even Chris has earned a "mama" or two). She's also got "uh-oh" (often preceded by a purposeful dropping of some sort), and the other night she managed "hot," though that hasn't been repeated since. There are a few animal sound in her repertoire, as well: ruff-ruff and a rather unusual meow.

For a small person with very limited language skills, though, she's sure got communication down.

There's the purposeful push to get a person out of a chair, whether it is to then sit there herself or lead said person elsewhere. There is taking the hand to lead... somewhere. There is patting a spot to show a person where it is acceptable to sit. There is moving one's hand to a proper position, pointing, "aaahhnnn"-ing, and, when all else fails, there is screaming.
So Remi's got some resolutions this year. Printed in crayon. With a little help from Drake.
  1. Learn Some Words
  2. Learn to use the Potty

Pretty simple. And already, since the time I started this post (a week ago, mind you), she's got another word: "Wow." Used in appropriate context. Multiple times. With appropriate reverence.

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