Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Big "D"

Awhile back, Remi-roo took a trip to Disneyland. That girl keeps me running, and it's taken some time for me to post about the trip, but better late than never.

Now, you'd think a 7 month old (at that time) wouldn't have much use for a trip to Disneyland. And that's where you'd be wrong. Who knew she'd be so thrilled? First, it was a big family trip, and Remi LOVES to see her cousins. So that was exciting enough. But it got better.

When we got to the park she just stared and stared at all the color and activity. It really is a child's wonderland. First, we took her on Pirates of the Carribean. We'd been singing the song to her for a month, trying to get her excited. She was fine on the ride, but I can't say it did a lot for her (though the adults loved it). Then it was on to the Haunted House. Again, not too exciting for her. It wasn't until we got to It's A Small World that we saw how excited she could be by a ride. She and Emlyn both were just in absolute awe. It was a wonder to behold.

We took her on the Pooh ride, which she liked, and the Carousel. But nothing compared to the Small World. I have a feeling that song is to be embedded into my future trips to Disneyland for many a years to come.

Water Baby

Remi's had a lot of experience with the water lately. First swim class, and yesterday... her first trip on a boat! She thought it was great (and so did we).

First, swim class. She's been twice now, and has decided she loves it. What's not to love? A giant bathtub (it's the Berkeley warm pool, heated to 92 degrees) filled with other babies and, at the end, a million zillion bath toys! Of course, there are the songs, too--designed for the repetition that babies love and that parents can never get out of their heads.
Then yesterday, out at Debbie and Tamara's for dinner, we took a boat ride around Discovery Bay. When Remi got tired of looking at the scenery, there was a lot of exploring to be done on the floor of the boat. And then there was her pint-sized companion, Rocco the dog. Just the right size for a baby.

All in all, a pretty great expansion on her already solid love of bath water.
(Photos: Pictured at the Berkeley Warm Pool on Chris' shoulders; Pictured on the boat with Tamara; Rocco the dog)