"Remi, do you want to go to a party and play with other kids?" A quick nod "yes" and then she runs to get a few books to take along. We stop at Trader Joe's on the way and the books have to come in with us. Remi has to carry them -- any attempts to help are met with tears and a determined effort to take them back. This lasts until we get to the blueberry display, at which point all books are forgotten in favor of her current favorite food.
She's started treating the books and the characters in them like 3-dimensional friends: she kisses the characters, encourages the animals to come out and play with her (hasn't happened yet, but she keeps trying), and often just gives the books themselves a good strong hug.
Now don't get me wrong: I'm not complaining. As far as addictions go, I'll take books over, say, kiddie crack Elmo. I myself used to walk home from school with my nose in a book. It's a wonder I never got lost.