Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Little Pickle

Before Remi was born, Patty dubbed her "Picklita." (As in, pickle-ita -- I've never been sure how to spell it.) Little Pickle. Well, this week, Remi earned her nickname.

We were out to lunch. Now, eating in a restaurant is something I rarely do with Remi anymore because she's so, well, baby like. She has a short attention span, grabs everything in sight, gets frustrated, starts screaming, has to be walked around... you get the picture. But it was the Mom's Group lunch so I went, and to keep Remi occupied I gave her my pickle spear. Who knew she would turn out to love it? So pickles have now become a part of her ever expanding menu. So far avocado and pickles top the list, with ripe pears coming in a close third.

None of these foods particularly interests Petey, but he holds vigil nonetheless, hoping to cop a lick of rice cereal or, better yet, a teething biscuit. These we have dubbed "Petey treats" due to the frequency and joy with which he eats them. In exchange for these treats he is always happy to provide a little hand and face wash post meal. It's just one of those services he provides.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Remi Eats Dirt

Remi has discovered dirt. It's messy. She can claw it and make little holes. In short, it's really fun. Unfortunately, the fun doesn't stop there. After she claws it all up there is, of course, the mouth. Everything to the mouth.

So when she discovered dirt, I let her play in it. I kept an eye on her, knowing the mouth part would come to fruition, but I let her explore until those little hands started their migration up. Then the fun was over. Of course the hands made contact before I did.

So then I had to swipe the dirt out of her mouth. And it turns out, the dirt wouldn't come off with a cloth, so then I had to get a bath ready, all the while trying to keep her dirty hands out of her mouth. And then I saw that she had dirt in her eye, so I had to get that out. And then I had to drain the bath and wash her again in clean water, because there was so much dirt. And I had to scrub her finger nails.

In short, I made a lot of work for myself. But I can't say I regret it. She had fun. No harm done. Her next plan is to conquer sand.