remi's really into sorting things these days. on a very basic level. like, she moves all her animals from one side of her to another, one at a time, then back to the original side. this can go on for quite some time (and believe me, i'm pretty thrilled about her ability to self-entertain!).
but i guess what i find really interesting is more about the exclusion. like the other night at grandma's house (we're staying with drake's mom right now), she dumped all her bath toys into the bathtub, and i added this toy that was sitting on the side of the tub. and she got very upset.
"aaahhhnnn! aaaahhhhnnnn!" pointing to the toy, until i figured out the problem and removed the offender from the crowd. the offender then had to be returned to the place it had come from before all was right with the world again.
and i can't quite figure out how the exclusionary system works. in this case, you might think "new and nonfamiliar vs. familiar." but later we were piling animals into her sled to go for a ride around the living room, familiar, nonfamiliar, new, old. and all was harmony until the ape got in. she picked out the ape and tossed him aside. i went to adding animals and tried the ape again.
"aaahhhnnnn! aaaaahhhhnnnnn!" and out he went again. why the ape? who knows. perhaps he'd been a bad ape. perhaps she just didn't like his looks. at any rate, today he's out of the doghouse and into the sled.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Remi and the Baby Dolls
wow. what kind of a pathetic mother am i. here remi is 15 months old, and not only did i post nothing about her birthday party (a pink pirate theme, by the way), but i've posted nothing at all for the start of her second year. jeesh.
but she is a font of fascinating development. currently she's way into dancing to toddler tunes and chasing the dog around with her baby stroller. she runs after him and just laughs and laughs. thank god the dog is good for something more than just cleaning up after toddler eating.
beyond being used as a torture device for the dog, she just loves dolls, which i find kind of interesting. she cuddles the dolls, feeds them, bathes them, and, on one occasion, even attempted breastfeeding. i guess, really, it's just all about imitation, and childcare is something she sees a lot of right now.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
First Teeth
She can go up stairs now. The first time that happened, I was working in the front yard, and off she crawls to the stairs. I redirected her a couple of times, and then I just let her go. That first day she climbed to the top of the steps three times before she pooped out. Now she'll climb the stairs any chance she gets: We're no longer allowed to carry her up to the front door -- she practically flies out my arms whenever we approach.
And she's discovered doors. That they open and close. Over and over. And that she can stand on one side of the french doors and look in at us. And make faces. And smash her face against the glass. And then she just giggles and giggles and giggles...
Friday, May 29, 2009
The Sacred Coffee Hour
Such decadence is no more.
Now we're lucky if we sleep till 6:30. We wake to a bouncing baby, a girl on the go. She grabs for coffee, steals the paper, and crawls for the edge of the bed. Protecting yourself, your elixir, your reading material, and the baby takes fast hands and a quick eye: The Sacred Coffee Hour has become a precision sport.
But we hold out hope.
Someday, calm will be restored. Hot coffee will be safe again, the news will be read and absorbed, our ninja reflexes will be tucked away, unused. If only we could instill into a 9 month old the glory of the sacred hour.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Remi Eats Manhattan
I never thought I would raise a carnivore. In the baby food section I buy a wide variety of jarred fruits and vegetables, but NONE of the meats. And all was fine. Until Remi got hold of a chicken bone.
She loved it. In all fairness, though, she loves all food. At times, it really is kind of like a Godzilla movie in which the protagonist -- in this case a giant baby in diapers -- lumbers through the streets of New York putting anything and everything into her mouth. To date, she has attempted to eat
- the letter Q
the number 7 - our wine saver wine stoppers
- wood chips
- corn cobs (sans the corn)
and pretty much anything she can get hold of. A list of her more conventional diet at her current age of 9 months includes
- peas
- carrots
- squash
- hummus
- guac (and any form in which avocado comes)
- potatoes
- yams
- mashed fruit (apples, blueberries, pears, mango, apricot, bananas)
- Annie's organic bunny crackers
- cheese (cream cheese, cheese sticks, monterey jack cubes)
- cottage cheese and yogurt
And most recently we have discovered that she loves steamed artichoke hearts.
Keep in mind that the child still has no teeth. They are coming in now and making our lives h--l. It feels like these teeth will never make it through, but when they finally do... look out, Manhattan!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The Big "D"
Now, you'd think a 7 month old (at that time) wouldn't have much use for a trip to Disneyland. And that's where you'd be wrong. Who knew she'd be so thrilled? First, it was a big family trip, and Remi LOVES to see her cousins. So that was exciting enough. But it got better.
We took her on the Pooh ride, which she liked, and the Carousel. But nothing compared to the Small World. I have a feeling that song is to be embedded into my future trips to Disneyland for many a years to come. 
Water Baby
First, swim class. She's been twice now, and has decided she loves it. What's not to love? A giant bathtub (it's the Berkeley warm pool, heated to 92 degrees) filled with other babies and, at the end, a million zillion bath toys! Of course, there are the songs, too--designed for the repetition that babies love and that parents can never get out of their heads.
All in all, a pretty great expansion on her already solid love of bath water.
(Photos: Pictured at the Berkeley Warm Pool on Chris' shoulders; Pictured on the boat with Tamara; Rocco the dog)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Baby on the Go
Okay, it's not really crawling yet. More like rolling with some backwards action. But man, can she get around. That is, until she needs to go forward. Then it's "Waa, waa! Hey, Mama, come get me out of this corner I've backed myself into." And, being the responsible servant that I am, I naturally oblige.
So baby proofing is in our future. Next time we have a free moment or two.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
My Little Pickle
Before Remi was born, Patty dubbed her "Picklita." (As in, pickle-ita -- I've never been sure how to spell it.) Little Pickle. Well, this week, Remi earned her nickname.
We were out to lunch. Now, eating in a restaurant is something I rarely do with Remi anymore because she's so, well, baby like. She has a short attention span, grabs everything in sight, gets frustrated, starts screaming, has to be walked around... you get the picture. But it was the Mom's Group lunch so I went, and to keep Remi occupied I gave her my pickle spear. Who knew she would turn out to love it? So pickles have now become a part of her ever expanding menu. So far avocado and pickles top the list, with ripe pears coming in a close third.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Remi Eats Dirt
So when she discovered dirt, I let her play in it. I kept an eye on her, knowing the mouth part would come to fruition, but I let her explore until those little hands started their migration up. Then the fun was over. Of course the hands made contact before I did.
In short, I made a lot of work for myself. But I can't say I regret it. She had fun. No harm done. Her next plan is to conquer sand.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Baby Business
We let her freeload for a while. You know, just to get her feet wet and figure out this world outside the womb. But hey, she's 5 months old now -- you don't get a free ride forever, kid. We had to use tough love. Now, every day, we send her to The Office.
It's all Baby Business, all the time.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Remi Finds Her Feet
Friday, January 9, 2009
Off to Work I Go
Drake is not happy about me going back to work. For that matter, neither is Remi. And can you blame her? I'm most of what her short little life has been about. Until now.
So off I go at 11 pm, confident that Drake and Remi will sort things out. And then 9 hours later in I walk, "Hello! How're things!"
"There's no time to chat," Drake replies urgently. "Take the baby."
The room is a disaster. Diapers and changing pads strewn about the floor, comforter and sheets in a tangled mess. A near empty bottle peeks out from beneath a pillow, and Drake's hair stands out from her head on all sides. My mouth falls open, Drake is at wits' end, and the baby, well... she has no pants, and a big grin on her face.
It would appear that Drake was more traumatized by my absence than Remi was.
Of course, I eventually got the whole story. How Remi had no patience for the time it took to heat a bottle. How she took one look at the bottle and let out a scream of refusal. How she was still hungry after the first bottle, so Drake quickly put together a 2nd one out of the fridge, didn't even take the time to heat it, but apparently didn't screw the lid on all the way, either, thereby causing cold milk to pour all over the Poobah. So then she had a cold, wet, hungry, screaming baby who needed an outfit change.
And of course there's a part of me that thinks the whole thing is pretty funny. Though I know it wasn't at all funny at 2 am.
P.S. There is no way I am allowed to publish a picture of Drake and her hair, so this post shall remain photo-less.
So off I go at 11 pm, confident that Drake and Remi will sort things out. And then 9 hours later in I walk, "Hello! How're things!"
"There's no time to chat," Drake replies urgently. "Take the baby."
The room is a disaster. Diapers and changing pads strewn about the floor, comforter and sheets in a tangled mess. A near empty bottle peeks out from beneath a pillow, and Drake's hair stands out from her head on all sides. My mouth falls open, Drake is at wits' end, and the baby, well... she has no pants, and a big grin on her face.
It would appear that Drake was more traumatized by my absence than Remi was.
Of course, I eventually got the whole story. How Remi had no patience for the time it took to heat a bottle. How she took one look at the bottle and let out a scream of refusal. How she was still hungry after the first bottle, so Drake quickly put together a 2nd one out of the fridge, didn't even take the time to heat it, but apparently didn't screw the lid on all the way, either, thereby causing cold milk to pour all over the Poobah. So then she had a cold, wet, hungry, screaming baby who needed an outfit change.
And of course there's a part of me that thinks the whole thing is pretty funny. Though I know it wasn't at all funny at 2 am.
P.S. There is no way I am allowed to publish a picture of Drake and her hair, so this post shall remain photo-less.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Baby's 1st Christmas
And slept.
And slept.
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